Live Webinar:


Remote Work 2021

How to create equitable and inclusive experiences for your remote workforce

Date and Time:

Tuesday, January 26th @ 1pm EST / 10am PST



Remote work 2021: How to create equitable and inclusive experiences for your remote workforce

On January 26th, we will be hosting a live webinar on how to create equitable and inclusive experiences for your remote workforce.  

Up until now, remote work has been hyper-focused on video and chat communication tools like Zoom, Teams, and Slack. These tools are limited in their ability to create positive, productive remote experiences. According to our latest study of 426 people, 94% are still working remote at least part of the time and 75% say employees are less productive at home than they were in the office. To address this as we move into phase 2 of remote work, the focus is shifting to workplace tools that take collaboration to the next level, create an office-like atmosphere, and create equitable experiences for all employees, whether they are in the office or not.

In this webinar, we will focus on:

  • Examples of situations that are not equitable and/or inclusive for remote employees
  • Provide tips on how to get started addressing remote equity, inclusivity, and belonging
  • Give technology recommendations that help with phase 2 of remote work

EQ Everywhere

Improve communication and drive inclusive, equitable experiences for all by understanding anyone’s personality when writing messages & emails or in meetings. Plugin available for Outlook, Teams, Gmail, Google Calendar, Slack, Facebook Workplace, and more.

Remote Work Scorecard

Measure your bahaviors, motivators, and work styles to get a diagnostic look at potential strengths and weaknesses while working remote. Get actionable insights to drive remote performance.

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Measure, manage, and hire for culture. 

See how Humantelligence can help you hire for predictive success and drive a high-performing culture that aligns with your strategic objectives.

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