For Executive, Leadership &

Team Coaches

Combining the magic of coaching with the power of technology to help people achieve more, faster

Why Humantelligence for Coaches?

Generate More Leads   –   Engage Clients Faster   –   Gather Data Easily –    Diagnose Issues Quickly

Easily gain insights

Diagnose issues and opportunities in any person or team without the need for time-consuming meetings and interviews.

Unlimited usage

Ideal for large teams, marketing and for use with a prospect.

Affordable monthly subscription

$99 per month for everything.          No surprise costs and cancel anytime.

Demonstrate and measure coaching effectiveness

Clients can see the value created and the effectiveness of the coaching solution.

Case Studies Using Humantelligence for Coaching

Nikki Kagan on Accelerating Trust Building 

Kader Bouakil on Aligning the Drivers of Culture 

Isabelle Hasleder on Speed & Efficiency of Gathering Insightful Data 

“I am sure I would not have won this client without using Humantelligence. The client had talked about their need for greater agility in their team for 2 years and using HT across 120 employees in their business I was able to pinpoint both the issue and the metrics.”

Nikki Kagan on Increasing Collaboration in Teams 

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